Friday, October 10, 2008

McCain Stages Anti-Obama Screams

No I don't have any proof or evidence but neither do the people being paid to post on social media sites across the Internet spreading McCain's latest flip-flop to return to trying to play nice, after polls dipped yet again after playing the hate card.

This little boy (in lobbiest disguise) has cried wolf so many times, people should not be asking if he's qualified to be President. They should be asking, "Is this son of a bitch suffering from multiple personality disorder?"

Besides you don't need, truth and proof to win over the hearts and minds of McCain supporters, you just need a good lie and something that will scare the hell out of them.

Good Night America, and Good Luck,

Brian Oblivion

My Take On Iraq

What you wont hear because there is no such thing as fair and open press in America anymore. It’s important to understand that Iraq was a tribal nation - basically 4 territories trying to coexist under one nation. It’s also important to understand US involvement in Iraq. Our position is to unify the country and get rid of those 4 factions. Factions that fought with each other but never as much as they are doing now and rarely with support from terrorist organizations until the US moved in and removed Sadam.

The problem is there is very little support (very few Iraqis) that are in favor of a unified government – less than 12% approve of US occupation. The majority of Iraqis whish to keep the 4 territory structure. When you move into a country and start dictating a policy without popular support. Tensions escalate, death tolls rise and you lose any existing support you might have had in the first place. Then some of these factions begin to look for help from anti-occupation allies and good people trying to protect their country and their own way of life end up turning to thugs and terrorists for support, to protect their freedom, their families and their beliefs from an invading dictator and extra strife from other territories trying to exploit the chaos to support their own agenda.

It’s important that you know, despite of what they (corporate media outlets owned by Republicans and supporting the big-oil, trikle-down agenda) are telling you, the US can never win a war in Iraq. They might establish a government and a democracy but it will fail without US occupation for eternity. The government we put in place will never stand on its own because (any way you cut it) 12% of the population will be trying to govern the other 88% and it takes a lot of money and guns and killing to keep 12% of the population in control of the other 88%. Do you want to support a plan like this and pay for it for the rest of your life and have you children’s, children pay for it too? Do you want to drive this country deeper and deeper into debt and jeopardize our future right here in America while doing it?

It’s important that you know. The US involvement in Iraq, whether it’s for just cause or just plain wrong, is futile because the (large) majority of Iraqi’s do not want the US forcing this government on them.

Ho would you feel if China moved forces into America and told us we all needed to be communists? Can you imagine the resistance and bloodshed that would ensue? How would that be any different than what we are doing in Iraq?

I know you are a sweet, loving and peaceful person. I know you want a better world and a safer way of life for all of our children. So you have to look at it from the other side. How effective would it be for China to try and occupy our nation and force you and me to their will if the majority of Americans do not want a communist government?

That is the resistance that will always exist in the middle-east. That is the policy that has escalated violence and continues to cost you and me 10-billion dollars a month. That is the ideology that has pushed our allies and the United Nations away from supporting our occupation in Iraq and John McCain is still in favor of trying to force this issue, rather than fixing relationships with NATO and the UN to keep the region stable and resistant to terrorist cells.

This policy is dead wrong. I know if you look into it for 4-5 hours this weekend you will begin to understand that this is not how you want our country to leave its mark on the world. We are not dictators. We are supposed to support majority, not minority interests. We do not run around the globe occupying nations under the deception of peace and humanity. Unless we learn from history we are doomed to repeat it, so you tell me, when has occupation ever been a successful solution? When has there ever been an occupation where the rest of the world has not looked at the occupying nation with unease, distrust and resistance.

Do you want to be a part of a country running around inflicting its will upon other nations or do you want to return this country back to its once proud standing as the world leader in, peace, freedom and prosperity?

You can start here but you (as an educated voter) need to do your own research on Iraq. You’re not going to get the whole truth without seeking it for yourself. Do not sit on the couch hoping someone will give you the answer. We have been sitting on our couches for too long. This is our country and it’s time we start acting like it.

Please do what you can to make sure you know as much as you can, before you cast your vote in November. If you still side with McCain and Palin, no one can fault you if you’ve done your homework and still have conviction.


Brian Oblivion, HELVIS, American Punk Gone Horribly Wrong