Friday, April 3, 2009

America is Broken

America is broken. Are you supporting the criminals breaking it? Our government is writing laws making it easier and easier for corporations to have their own way with resources, profits and human life everyday. The people that money and greed are putting into office are not Americans.

They are puppets put in place by individuals looking out for themselves and their own profits. Americans look out for each other, not their own bank statements.

The people we're letting run this country are purely evil beings twisted by money and shaped by greed.

Yet it is not their fault this country is suffering, our brothers and sisters are being sent off to slaughter and our leaders are free to plan failed attempt after failed attempt at toppling government after government in campaign after campaign that leaves more dead and more contempt for America and its values in each wake while these figureheads and shareholders profit from something that should not be mistaken for anything but pure evil.

The problem is you and me. The problem is what we have let happen to our government. The problem is sitting on our asses drinking an O.E., bitching about the cost of a gallon of gas and what's better blueray or dvd as we sit by hoping voters will make the right call in the next local or national election.

The biggest threat to America is not going to come from a handful of extremists kickin' it in some far away mountains talkin', "kill whitey!" The biggest threat to our country comes from within.

It comes from inaction and the ability we're giving this evil to fester and ultimately topple our own great Nation if left unchecked.

Do not sit another election out. Do not complain about what needs to change if you don't even know the senators and congressmen you are letting this vile machine place in office.

REACT! REFORM! RECLAIM! - Join HELVIS in kicking some ass on the establishment in November. Send a message to the world that Americans are taking America BACK!

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